2024.04.23 公式の映像作品を制作スタッフが解説!~お正月・エイプリルフール~ #Released to all #Video works explained by production staff #Animation
2023.11.20 公式の映像作品を制作スタッフが解説!~月夜狐ダンス~ #Released to all #Video works explained by production staff #Motion #Animation #Form animation #After Effects
2023.04.26 公式の映像作品を制作スタッフが解説!~冬のイケメンver~【#Live2DJUKU】 #Released to all #Video works explained by production staff #Moving illustration #Parameter #Blend shape #Switching #Motion #Animation #Male model #Animal model
2023.02.17 公式の映像作品を制作スタッフが解説!【#Live2DJUKU】 #Released to all #Video works explained by production staff #Moving illustration #ArtPath #Motion range #Swaying #Switching #Motion #Animation #Loop processing #Animal model #Animal ear model #Non-human model
2022.12.05 Twitterで話題になった作品を制作スタッフが徹底解説!【#Live2DJUKU】 #Released to all #Video works explained by production staff #Moving illustration #Texture separation #Clipping mask #Draw order #Parameter #Swaying #Expressions #Switching #Physics #Motion #Animation
2022.02.25 メン限配信!JUKUメン定例会【#Live2DJUKU】 #Members only #JUKU members regular meeting #Video works explained by production staff #ArtPath #Culling #Motion range #3D effects #Animation #Male model
2021.11.24 Live2D社のデザイナーにインタビュー!【#Live2DJUKU】 #Released to all #Video works explained by production staff #Moving illustration #Glue #ArtPath #Background modeling #Animation #Animal model