English Intermediate Advanced VTuber Moving illustration / Animation With provided data シンプルなパラメータで真横を向けるモデルを作ろう #English Subtitle #Texture separation #Clipping mask #Draw order #Parameter settings #Face angle XY #Blend shape #Motion range #3D effects #Switching
Beginner Intermediate Advanced VTuber Moving illustration / Animation Game / App With provided data エフェクトの作り方 ~キラキラ編~ #Texture separation #Clipping mask #Placing deformer #Glue #3D effects #Swaying #Color Change Technique #Physics #Motion #Effects #Tracking #Photoshop
Beginner Intermediate Live2D初心者がやりがち!(出来れば避けたい)NGモデリング7選 #Level up from a beginner #Placing deformer #Parameter settings #Face angle XY #Swaying #Physics
Released to all Introduction Beginner VTuber ユナと一緒にモデリング #Live modeling #Level up from a beginner #Function introduction #Texture separation #Clipping mask #Draw order #Locating mesh #Placing deformer #Parameter settings #Face angle XY #Deformation path #Blending forms #Glue #3D effects #Swaying #Physics #Texture atlas #Motion #Polygon #Photoshop
Intermediate Advanced VTuber With provided data パーフェクトシンク対応VTuberモデルを作ろう! #Parameter settings #Blend shape #Expressions #Perfect-sync #Tracking #nizima LIVE #Animal ear model
Released to all English Introduction Beginner Intermediate Advanced Introduction of Live2D JUKU(English version) #All in English #Lesson introduction
Beginner Intermediate Advanced VTuber Moving illustration / Animation Game / App Live2D談義 #Live modeling #Texture separation #Locating mesh #Placing deformer #Parameter settings #Face angle XY #Motion range #Expressions #Physics #Motion #Tracking #Photoshop #Male model
Intermediate Advanced VTuber With provided data VTube Studioでハンドトラッキングしてみよう! #Motion range #Hand tracking #Tracking #VTube Studio
Intermediate Advanced Moving illustration / Animation Game / App With provided data Live2Dで作る!ガチャ演出風アニメーションの作り方 #Clipping mask #Face angle XY #Blend shape #Motion range #3D effects #Swaying #Expressions #Background modeling #Motion #Freeze function #Animal model
Beginner Intermediate Advanced CubismEditor4.2 新機能大紹介! #Function introduction #Time-saving technique #Locating mesh #Blend shape #Freeze function
Released to all Introduction Beginner Intermediate Advanced JUKU講座の歩き方 #Lesson introduction #Level up from a beginner #Locating mesh #Placing deformer #3D effects #Physics
English Intermediate Advanced Moving illustration / Animation Game / App With provided data 高可動の腕を作ってみよう! #English Subtitle #Texture separation #Draw order #Glue #Motion range #3D effects #Switching #Motion