Live2D CreativeStudio
By signing up for membership of the
YouTube channel,
you can watch exclusive contents
and take online lessons
You can learn according
your purpose
You can watch lesson videos unlimitedly
Personally delivered by
professional designers!
Live stream check and correct
JUKU members only
Discord server
01 Click the [Sign up for YouTube membership now] button
02 Click the [Become a member] button in the Live2D Creative Studio channel on YouTube
03 Select your payment method and click the [Purchase] button
04 Membership registration completed! You can watch any lesson video you like!
You can watch exclusive videos that you cannot watch elsewhere unlimitedly!
Illustrations and data used in lessons are provided!
Check and correct directly by professionals during live streaming!
Various contents are live streamed!
Interact with others in learners only Discord server!
You will be able to
create Live2D
For beginners
You can learn
about use
for Vtuber
For learners who want to create Vtuber models
You can learn
about know
hows of
Live2D Creative Studio
For learners who want to become professionals
You can learn practical techniques
from Live2D Creative Studio,a designer team within Live2D company
If you want to join
[Live2D JUKU],
please sign up for
YouTube membership first!